i'd like to wish all of my devoted followers a happy thanksgiving day.
in the spirit of giving thanks, i have compiled a list of things i'm thankful for.
note: this list does not include the standard items for which one is commonly thankful for (family, health, provisions, and so on).
1. linus torvalds.
2. perfect coffee.
3. the information super highway.
4. robotslinus torvalds.
5. telescopes.
6. chaos theory.
7. pumpkin spice (as it pertains to the latte).
8. binary.
9. pseudo-random ghost movements in ms. pacman
10. this turkey recipe (and related site).
happy day of giving thanks
free coffee for smart people tuesday
alright, fellow nerds...
here's the third installment of free coffee for smart people tuesdays trivia question. as always, you have two weeks to enter any brew nerds location, both on earth and in outer space. inform the coffee specialist of the answer and he or she will reward you with a savory beverage selection of your choice. in the 450 milliliter size, that is.
here's a practical question:
your barista hands you your cup of coffee and it's 140° F. ten minutes later, you remove your thermometer from your pocket protector and measure and it's now 120° F.
assuming exponential decay in temperature (who wouldn't?) and that room temperature is 70°, what will the temperature be in 20 more minutes, 30 minutes from when it was handed to you?
you may begin.... now.
11.11.08 f.c.f.s.p. answer
for the last two weeks, we've been running this question:
What is the name of the brown character that is found all over the
internet in photoshop parodies and competitions?
the answer is:
domo-kun, domokun or domo
free coffee for smart people tuesdays
moving away from math and into technology/nerd pop-culture this week.
here's your question for a free drink (just visit one of my emporiums this week or next and give the answer to a coffee scientist):
What is the name of the brown character that is found all over the internet in photoshop parodies and competitions?
an easy one for the true nerds.
addictive games
here's a link describing what makes them addictive.
(from the brainiacs at wired.com)